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To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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West Suffolk Hospital blood tests

You will need to book an appointment for your blood test.

Booking at West Suffolk Hospital

Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 7.15am to 4pm, and Saturday 8.15am to 12pm. The easiest way is to book your blood test at West Suffolk Hospital online.

If you are unable to book online please call 01638 590788, lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Patient information

When you come for your blood test please ensure you bring your blood test request form with you, and wear clothing that gives easy access to your arm.

Blood tests for children

Children under 5 years of age will be seen in children’s outpatients. Please call 01284 713928 to arrange an appointment time.

Children aged between 5 years and up to their 11th birthday who are required to attend West Suffolk Hospital for a blood test, must make an appointment in advance by calling hospital appointments on 01284 713713.

Children aged 11 years and over can book as normal by following the process at the top of this page.

Information for people who are trans

If your affirmed gender is not the same as your biological sex, please make sure staff are aware when attending for your blood test. This is because in a very few instances it could affect the interpretation of your results or treatment given to you. If you have any concerns about this please talk to the doctor or clinician who has asked you to have your blood taken.

Frequently asked questions


What about urgent tests?

We reserve a number of appointments for urgent tests. If you require an urgent test, our clinics will book you in and you will be able to go straight for a blood test. GPs can also book urgent tests. As with prior to the change, our blood tests run between 7.15am and 4pm on weekdays, so if you have an outpatient appointment outside these times and require an urgent blood test, you will be asked to come back another day.

What if I have an elderly relative that cannot book a test?

The online booking system, Swiftqueue, can be used by any member of the family or a loved one to book in a test for an elderly relative. Bookings can also be made by phone. If it is for an urgent blood test following an appointment, the clinic will book them in.

Can you book regular appointments?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of future appointments that can be booked in Swiftqueue, however we ask that any unused appointments are cancelled as soon as possible if they are not required.