Blood transfusion
The blood transfusion department provides a blood transfusion service to both West Suffolk Hospital and St Edmunds Hospital (run by Circle Health Group). It also provides screening services to primary care for the management of pregnant women.
The clinical advisory service is provided by a team of consultant haematologists. Clinical advice is given for the management of patients with the requirement for transfusion of blood components or prescription only medicines held and distributed by the laboratory.
The laboratory provides the following services:
- Blood grouping, antibody screening, antibody identification, compatibility testing and red cell phenotyping to support the safe provision of compatible blood components and for the management of pregnant women
- Routine and emergency provision of blood components
- Provision of coagulation factor preparations for the treatment of coagulopathies
- Investigation of adverse reactions to blood
- Detection of feto-maternal haemorrhage in D negative, pregnant women
- Provision of anti-D immunoglobulin for the management of feto-maternal haemorrhage in D negative, pregnant women
The laboratory is UKAS accredited to ISO 15189:2012
Our accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation.