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To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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Council of Governors

The Council of Governors is the collective body that supports and advises the executive and non-executive directors of the Trust. It works closely with the Trust Board to make sure services are meeting the needs of the local community.

Being a governor 

The Council of Governors consists of 26 governors who gather the views of the hospital's members and give them a voice at the highest level of the organisation. These representatives have certain roles and responsibilities and must carry out statutory duties.

 Governors' duties and powers include:

  • Informing strategic direction
  • Membership strategy
  • Championing public and staff engagement
  • Appoint chair and non-executive directors
  • Approve appointment of chief executive
  • Agree remuneration of non-executive directors
  • Receive Trust’s annual report, annual accounts, appoint external auditors.

 Our council of governors is broken down into the following groups: 

Public Governors elected by our public members (including our patients and their carers)who must live in the county of Suffolk. This is made up of 14 people. 

Staff Governors elected by our staff members who come from all staff groups including volunteers. This is made up of five people. 

Partner organisations Governors nominated to represent the following organisations: Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk Council, University of Cambridge, West Suffolk College, Friends of West Suffolk Hospital and SNEE ICB. This is made up of seven people. 

Our current governors by constituency


Carol Bull
Anna Conochie
Val Dutton
Sarah Hanratty
Elizabeth Hodder
Ben Lord (Deputy Lead Governor)
Gordon McKay
Tom Murray
Jayne Neal
Adrian Osbourne
Becky Poynter
Clare Rose
Jane Skinner (Lead Governor)



Anna Clapton
Diana Stroh
Louisa Honeybun
Andy Morris
Adam Musgrove

*In accordance with the Trust’s constitution, if a vacancy arises for an elected Governor the Trust may, instead of holding a by-election, fill the vacancy by appointing the highest polling unsuccessful candidate at the most recent election of governors for the constituency or class in respect of which the vacancy has arisen. Any person so appointed shall hold office for the unexpired term of office of the retiring Governor. 


Cllr Rowena Lindberg - West Suffolk Council
Cllr Heike Sowa – Suffolk County Council
Dr Thomas Pulimood – University of Cambridge
Sue Kingston - Volunteers of WSFT in consultation with the Friends of West Suffolk Hospital
Lisa Parish - West Suffolk College
Dr David Brandon - West Suffolk Alliance



Contact the governors

For further information about our Council of Governors, please contact deputy Trust secretary, Pooja Sharma:

If you wish to contact any of our governors, please email:

Council of Governor meetings

Members of the public are invited to attend and observe Council of Governor meetings.

Meeting papers are posted on this page a few days before each meeting. Venue and timings will be stated in the papers posted.

2025 meeting dates 

26 February 2025

14 May 2025

11 September 2025

13 November 2025

All Council of Governors meetings are from 5.30pm to 7.30pm and will be held at The Drummond Education Centre, West Suffolk Hospital. 


Council of Governors papers

To view an archive of previous Council papers please click here.

 Please find the Council of Governors Governance Review here.