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To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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Our lab staff perform tests on tissues and fluids to help with diagnosis and treatment. Our pathology staff also provide blood tests at our hospitals and in the community.


The Pathology Department is on the ground floor next to the phlebotomy/blood tests department at the West Suffolk Hospital. 

West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
Hardwick Lane,
Bury St. Edmunds,
IP33 2QZ.


Opening Hours

The pathology department specimen reception desk is open:

  • Monday - Friday, 9.00am – 5.15pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed
  • Bank Holidays: Closed

Please note these times are not for blood tests/phlebotomy service. 


Booking a blood test

Please refer to our blood tests page for further information.


Getting your test results

All test results must be obtained from and discussed with the clinician, GP or the hospital team that is caring for you. The laboratory cannot discuss treatment, give test results or any personal information directly to patients or patient's relatives.

This also applies to any enquiries about your treatment regarding blood transfusions.

For information about blood transfusions, including the donation of blood, please visit the NHS Blood and Transplant website

The patient portal offers digital communications for quick access to your hospital information. 


Understanding your tests

Lab tests online provides useful information designed to help you understand the many clinical laboratory tests that are used in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of disease.


Requirements for patient consent

“Consent” is a patient’s agreement for a health professional to provide care. Patients may indicate consent non-verbally (for example by presenting their arm for a blood sample to be taken), verbally, or in writing. For the consent to be valid, the patient must:

  • have the capacity to take the particular decision
  • have received sufficient information to take it
  • not be acting under duress

For certain tests and extended investigations (e.g., genetic profile testing) written consent may be required in addition to the original request form. It is the responsibility of the requesting clinician to obtain consent for these tests where necessary.

More information on Trust’s Policy for Consent to Examination or Treatment (PP(21)113) can be found by contacting the Laboratory or via the Intranet.


Feedback, Complaints and Compliments

Your views and voice matter to us.  The PALS service provides impartial advice, support and help with any queries and issues you may have encountered with the services provided by the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.

If you wish to leave some feedback, make a complaint, leave a suggestion or simply send a compliment then follow the link above. 


Information for profesionals

Detailed information for staff and GPs about our services is available via our Pathology handbook which can be accessed by anyone using an NHS computer.

Cellular pathology user guide – this document contains detailed information for GPs and other service users on the services provided by cellular pathology department.