Launch Recite Me assistive technology
To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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Health Information Exchange

The Suffolk and North East Essex (SNEE) Health Information Exchange, or HIE, brings together information from the electronic records of the different places you receive care.

This allows health and care professionals to view a real-time summary of key information, safely and securely as they deliver care to you. 

The Health Information Exchange creates a ‘shared care record’, ensuring that the people caring for you have up-to-date information when they need it. This will save time and support safer decisions about treatment and care. It will also help to prevent repeat investigations and reduce the need for you to repeat information each time you access services. 

Only health and care professionals directly providing care to you are permitted to view your information in the Health Information Exchange. It can only be accessed over a secure network and data is not stored outside of secure systems or used for planning or research purposes. The Health Information Exchange is not a portal for individuals to access their own records.

If you would like to know more about our overall approach to improving care by joining up health and care information, please visit



Going forward the Health Information Exchange (HIE) will become known as the Suffolk and North East Essex Shared Care Record (SNEE ShCR). This rebranding will unsure that the same is being used for the programme regionally and nationally.


Suffolk and North East Essex Shared Care Record logo


Who is part of the Suffolk and North East Essex Health Information Exchange?

(last updated March 2024)


Connecting shared care records

As the Health Information Exchange develops, we will connect to more organisations and similar systems in neighbouring areas. 

The Health Information Exchange is already securely connected to the shared care record in place in Hertfordshire and West Essex. This will make it easier for organisations to work together as it is common for individuals to receive care from multiple providers in different locations. For details of the health and care organisations who are part of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Shared Care Record, please follow the link below:

Hertfordshire and West Essex Shared Care Record
