Send us your compliments, suggestions or complaints
Patient feedback is vital in shaping our services. It tells us what we do well, and how we can improve. We are always keen to hear feedback about patient and visitor experience across our hospital and community services.
You can provide feedback in a number of ways. The patient advice and liaison service (PALS) is a dedicated team here to support you with your queries and concerns. You can contact the team by phone on 01284 712555 or by emailing
You can also send them your comments in the form below.
To understand how your data is used, view the information here.
To understand how your data is used, view the information here.
Healthwatch Suffolk

We work closely with independent organisation Healthwatch Suffolk to understand more about what is working well for our patients and what could be improved. Feeding back is easy, it only takes a moment and you can be anonymous.
You can also use their website to find and feedback about other NHS or social care services in your local area. Your comments will be used by Healthwatch Suffolk to shape, influence and improve local care.
You can contact the Healthwatch Suffolk team on 0800 448 8234 or via their website to share your experiences.
Need support with your health, care or wellbeing?
Healthwatch Suffolk offer a free information and signposting service. They can help you to find your way to local services and support, including information about how to make a complaint to a health or social care service.
You can contact the Healthwatch Suffolk team on 0800 448 8234.