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Parking and traffic

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QuestionWill the purchase of Hardwick Manor and possible construction work at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust cause more traffic?

Answer: This is an evaluation point for all possible sites. West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust will also be working closely with local authorities and the highways agency to evaluate the potential affect in regard to traffic.

Subject to future demand, we do not anticipate an increase in traffic as the project will be a re-model of the services already provided at the existing site.

As part of the planning we are looking at which services could be carried out in the community and closer to patient’s homes which could also potentially reduce the amount of traffic to the site in terms of both patients and staff.


QuestionWill you have room to include more staff parking?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust are aware that car parking is a concern for both staff and residents. The Trust do wish to continue encouraging staff to car share and use sustainable modes of transport where possible however car parking options are a consideration when evaluating the various possible sites.

The impact each site has on the Highways system is included in our evaluations as well as the option to increase capacity at a later stage to ensure the new site is able to grow with the increasing levels of demand.

It is also important to note that whilst WSFT services would remain they may not be based at the hospital which may reduce parking pressure.

Should Hardwick Manor be the preferred site, there is also the option to retain the existing car park and add to this.


Question: Will there be more parking on the new site than there is now?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust are aware that car parking is a concern for both staff and nearby residents. The Trust do wish to continue encouraging staff to use sustainable modes of transport where possible however car parking options are a consideration when evaluating the various possible sites.

The impact each site has on the Highways system was included in our evaluations as well as the option to increase capacity at a later stage to ensure the new site is able to grow with the increasing levels of demand.

One of the benefits of selecting Hardwick Manor as the preferred site was that the option of retaining the existing car park and adding to this was available.

All of our short listed sites have been assessed against the need to provide up to 2000 car parking spaces.


Question: Will parking be free at the new site?

Answer: Every penny that the Trust collects from parking contributes to the care of patients and improvement of the services we offer. West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust fully intend to take this opportunity to review our parking fee structure, our green travel policy and the opportunities to drive improvements in the way we deliver services.


Q: Do you have details of how many staff members access the site from the A14?

A: A significant proportion of staff live within three miles of the current site.


Q. Please can you confirm that at no point will Sharp Road be considered as an access road for any construction traffic or for any access at any point for the hospital use?

A: It is not West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust’s intention to use Sharp road as an access road during or after construction.


Q: What are the Trust’s plans with regard to site traffic to the Hardwick Manor site?

A: The Trust has identified a number of traffic-reducing options ranging from off-site manufacturing, highways developments and the leasing of neighbouring land. At this stage, all options for managing site traffic will be explored, developed and negotiated prior to the submission of planning permission.


Q: Where will the main route of access to the Hospital be?

A: If planning permission for our preferred site of Hardwick Manor is secured, the intention is that staff and patients will access site in the same way they do today, i.e. via the front entrance to the existing hospital on Hardwick Lane. However, the development is in its infancy and so it is too early to make a final decision.


Q: Will you be accessing the new healthcare facility via Hardwick Heath?

A: The Trust has no plans to access the new healthcare facility via the heath. The NHS does not own Hardwick Heath and recognises the important role it plays in the Health and Wellbeing of the local community.


QWill the purchase of Hardwick Manor and possible construction work at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust cause more traffic?

A: The Trust has assessed all of the possible sites on its shortlist for their accessibility. Site traffic is inevitable wherever a new facility is placed and the Trust continues to explore methods and options for minimising disruption with local authorities and the Highways Agency. Once complete, it is not anticipated that the new facility will attract or generate traffic levels above those already experienced. New methods for delivering health care closer to home and ensuring our community remain healthier for longer are at the centre of the Trust’s strategy and it is this strategy that will underpin the ambition to reduce growth in patients visiting the Hardwick Lane site.


Q: Is the Department for Health funding ring fenced to providing the physical facilities, or can they be used to address some of the off-site restrictions such as highways, which could open up the site for expansion?

A: As with all developments, the infrastructure needs to be considered alongside wider requirements. Any additional infrastructure required for the site would need to be negotiated between West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and the local government and would form part of the total development cost. 


Q: Is there any scope to keep the current site for car parking?

A: Yes, the Trust intends to keep the current site and use some of this for car parking space. This was one of the main benefits of selecting Hardwick Manor as the preferred location as, when combined with the existing site, it provides nearly 120 acres of space.


Q: Access to the A14 - how will this be done? Will there be a new route?

A: There are currently no plans to change the current route. However, the project is in its early stages and the highway infrastructure has not been reviewed in significant detail as yet.



Q: Will you be looking at Gypsy Lane as an access route?

A: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is exploring all feasible options. With the project in its early stages, not all information is available so we are unable to provide a definitive response.


Q: Has there been work with the council to discuss road infrastructure?

A: Members of the Council’s planning and highways teams were part of the Trust’s technical assessment team throughout the evaluation of the different site options. This is also part of West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust’s general ongoing discussions with the local borough council. West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust do have a green travel plan in place for example encouraging staff to walk, bike and use the park and ride facility in order to ease traffic flow.  These are issues which are continually being explored as part of the development plans to identify if there is a way of reducing traffic to the site.


Q: Will site traffic be directed through Horringer village?

A: The project is at an early stage and the Trust are considering points for access. Whichever option is selected will be subject to a traffic management plan. This will be thoroughly tested with the highways and the planning department at the Council at the pre-application stage. This will be tested again when the planning application is submitted.


Q: Can you confirm that Horsecroft Road will not be adversely affected by the construction traffic and hospital traffic?

A: The Trust are currently exploring options for site traffic and will share this once confirmed. Any impact will be subject to a traffic management plan. This will be thoroughly tested with the highways and the planning department at the Council at the pre-application stage. This will be tested again when the planning application is submitted.


Q: Have Suffolk County Council confirmed that the local road network has capacity for the traffic generated from the construction and use of the new hospital site?

A: The Highways department at Suffolk County Council were a part of the technical appraisal team when assessing each of the possible sites. The project is at an early stage and West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust will be working closely with local authorities and the Highways Agency to evaluate the potential effect on traffic. The impact of construction traffic will form part of the planning application.


Q: Parking - will the overflow at the Rugby Club continue?

A: Should Hardwick Manor be chosen as the final site, the park and ride facility at the Rugby Club will be maintained.