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Hardwick Manor

Please click on the question below to see the answer. All questions on this page are related to Hardwick Manor. 

Question: What happens to Hardwick Manor in the meantime?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust security teams are conducting regular patrols of the building and grounds with plans to let the building in the interim. Staff are being retained to maintain the property and gardens.


Question: Will Hardwick Manor be used as a facility to re-develop the existing site?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust will be evaluating the existing site to maximise the best use of space. It is likely that some of the new buildings on the current site will be retained and incorporated into the master planning of the Hardwick Manor site.


Question: What will the trust do to safeguard any wildlife in close proximity?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust will work with local partners to ensure biodiversity continues to thrive if the Hardwick Manor site is chosen. We are very proud that our current hospital site is in the middle of beautiful woods with a diverse amount of trees, plants and animals and this will continue at the new site. We know how important wildlife is to the residents of west Suffolk who are rightly proud of living in a beautiful county and will take advice from the local council and wildlife organisations to ensure the biodiversity is kept safe. 


Question: Will you knock down the Manor House?

Answer: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust does not have any plans to remove the Manor House from the piece of land. The Trust will do its best to incorporate it into the architectural plans.


Question: How big is the Hardwick Manor site?

Answer: The Hardwick Manor site is 70 Acres


Question: What services will be provided from this preferred site?

Answer: The Trust is keen to work with the local community and staff to understand and design the services which will be delivered from the new site wherever this may be.


Q: Is it the intention to preserve existing woodland between the hospital site and the Hardwick Manor site

A: There is a significant tree boundary between the existing site on Hardwick Lane and the Manor site. The landscape and the visual impact of these trees is very important to the Trust. Plans are in the very early stages and it is the Trust’s intention to retain trees and maintain those boundaries.


Q: In December 2020 around 30 trees have been felled to the west of the Wedgwood unit, is this part of the initial works?

A: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust can confirm that the Trust has not felled any trees and that this work was not carried out as part of any enabling works for the new hospital.


Q: Did the Hardwick Manor site have the highest ecological value of all the four sites considered?

A: Yes, Hardwick Manor did have the highest ecological value.


Q: Have you identified the veteran trees on site?

A: Yes, veteran trees have been identified and are currently being assessed. The Trust is working with the local council and statutory bodies to do this and identify how they are best managed in line with the National Planning Policy Framework.


Q: Will you retain all the cedars and historic trees on the manor site?

A: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust are experienced in managing historic trees due to the many cedar and historic trees on the current site at Hardwick Lane. The Trust wishes to retain the trees and the natural beauty of the site in line with current policy.


Q: What will be done to minimise light pollution on the rural surrounding area?

A: An Environmental Impact Assessment will be carried out on the site. The assessment will look at the landscape and the visual impact, the ecology, air quality, acoustics, archaeology, contamination, highway, flood risks, traffic and heritage. This will be carried out for the final build and during construction. Some of the work carried out will extend beyond the boundary.

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is in the very early stages with a scoping document currently being drafted. When complete, this document will be available on our website for members of the public to view. The Trust will also be required to submit an environmental statement as part of the planning application process.



Q: What thoughts have been given to the historic landscape quality of Hardwick Manor?

A:  West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust are very mindful of the beauty of the site. The project is at a very early stage but any work in respect of the design will ensure that the landscape of the manor is sensitively managed.


Q: What use is envisaged for the Manor House?

A: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust does not have any plans to remove the Manor House. The Trust will do its best to incorporate it into the architectural plans. The plans are currently in their infancy but there are several possible ideas for the Manor House, including a health and wellbeing centre.


Q: Will the height of the building remain below the treeline?

A: The project is in its early stages and the requirements for the building are yet to be determined.  For the preliminary work, each site was assessed on what could be accommodated rather than what is needed. The public should be assured that the Trust will exploit natural undulations in the land to minimise visual impact. This was the method used when constructing the recent nurse residence and Quince House on the existing Hardwick Lane site. As further information becomes available it will be shared.