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To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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Wheelchair services

The Wheelchair Service is hosted for the whole of Suffolk by the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. The Trust's clinical staff undertake assessments and fittings. Rosscare is the approved repairer and is also responsible for deliveries and collections.

Do I qualify for a wheelchair assessment from Suffolk Wheelchair Service? 

  • do I have a Suffolk GP?
  • do I need a wheelchair for more than six months?
  • will I use the wheelchair four times a week or more?
  • do I have a medical condition which affects my ability to walk in the home or outdoors?

If you answer yes to all of the above questions you should ask your GP, physiotherapist or occupational therapist to complete a referral form and send it to us. 

How do I get referred? 

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you should ask your GP, physiotherapist or occupational therapist to complete a referral.

Alternatively if you are known to the service as an existing client you can self-refer by telephoning the service or completing the attached paper referral form and submitting to the service directly.

What type of wheelchair can we provide?

  • manual wheelchair pushed by a carer or attendant
  • manual wheelchair propelled by the person using the wheelchair
  • supportive buggies for children aged over 36 months
  • electric powered indoor chairs (EPIC) for people who have no other means of moving around indoors. If you are able to use walking aids or move yourself in a manual wheelchair at home you would not be eligible for a powered wheelchair. 
  • electric powered indoor/outdoor chairs (EPIOC). You may be eligible for this type of chair if you are eligible for an EPIC and access to get in and out of your home.

The equipment has to be durable and rated for your weight. The needs of carers can be considered as part of the assessment, but the assessment will be based mainly on the needs of the wheelchair user.


We will contact you by telephone to arrange an appointment, which will usually be at one of our clinics. See Frequently Asked Questions for information about patient transport. Some patients can be seen at home, but it is preferable for them at attend a clinic if possible.

We hold clinics at our bases:

Chantry Clinic
Hawthorn Drive

Disability Resource Centre
Bunting Road
Moreton Hall
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 7BX

Cancelling or rearranging an appointment

We would like to remind all patients that if you cannot attend or no longer require your appointment you must let the service know as soon as possible, as your appointment could be given to another patient. If you fail to attend your appointment it will be classed as a DNA (Did Not Attend). If you fail to attend a second appointment or cancel on two consecutive occasions, you may be discharged from our service.

If you need to rearrange your appointment, please telephone 01473 351805, and when prompted select option 2, and then option 2 again. You can also email the service on:

Contact Us

Suffolk Wheelchair Service
Chantry Clinic
Hawthorne Drive
Suffolk IP2 0QY

Telephone: 01473 351805 (when prompted select option 2; and then option 2)
8:30am - 5pm
Monday - Friday


Repairs: Rosscare 01473 351805 (when prompted select option 2, and then option 1)