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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) – Frequently asked questions

Why have I received a letter from the PSA The Third Space?

You have been referred to The Third Space team by your GP in order for us to monitor your Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels. This is because your urology team has advised that you have PSA monitoring following the diagnosis/treatment of prostate cancer.

Please click here for more information  Follow-up after prostate cancer treatment: What happens next? | Prostate Cancer UK 

How will I know when my review is due? 

The frequency of monitoring will be dependent on what was advised by your urology team when you were discharged from them. You will receive a letter from PSA The Third Space when your blood test is due.

If you think your review is due but have not received an invitation letter, then please contact us via email or call us on 01284 712738.

What does the review involve? 

When your PSA blood test is due, we will order the test and you will be asked to arrange to have blood taken where you usually go for blood tests.

We will then share the results of your blood test with you. This will usually be in writing and within two weeks of you having your blood sample taken. If any further action such as referral back to the urology team is required we will call you to inform you of the next step. 

Where can I have my blood test taken? 

You can arrange your blood test where you usually go for blood tests. 

All our blood tests are requested electronically and therefore if you attend West Suffolk Hospital you do not need to take a paper form with you.

If you plan to attend Newmarket Community Hospital, Mildenhall Hub or Sudbury Health Centre then please contact us beforehand as you will require a paper blood test request form.

If you are going to your GP surgery and having additional blood tests requested by your GP at the same time, please remind them that you also need to have blood tests requested by us.

Book an appointment online

If you are unable to book online, please call 01638 590788 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).


Before you have the test, there are some things that you should avoid, as they can temporarily increase your PSA level and affect the accuracy of the test. These are:

-       Ejaculation (sexual activity) for 48 hours before the test.

-       Exercising heavily for 48 hours before the test

-       An active Urinary tract infection (UTI) or if you have had a UTI in the last 6 weeks

-       Prostate biopsy in the last 6 weeks


When will I get my blood test results?

Once your PSA blood test is result is reviewed by our Third Space GPs, we shall inform you of the result - usually by writing to you and within two weeks of you having your blood sample taken

If your results are within the levels advised by urology you will usually receive a letter with your results 

If any of your results have changed, or if you would prefer, one of our doctors will usually contact you by telephone. 

If you have any questions or queries and would like to speak to one of The Third Space GPs then you can call us on 01284 712738 or email the team and they will arrange for a telephone appointment.