To help prevent the spread of winter viruses such as Covid-19, influenza and norovirus (winter vomiting bug), and to protect our patients and staff, please do not visit patients in our hospitals if you have: flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold); Covid-19 or influenza, or any other infections; diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

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Stroke unit

Our high performing, specialist stroke service supports patients in the immediate treatment of stroke. We provide acute care and rehabilitation with highly skilled specialist teams of nurses, doctors and therapists. 

Services provided

The hospital's stroke services team regularly meets the top national care standards for stroke. Our aim is to provide the best outcomes for our patients, working with them to reduce the possible long-term effects of stroke. Our highly skilled, multidisciplinary team includes specialist stroke consultants, doctors and nurses alongside physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists. 

Our service includes:

  • 12-bed acute stroke unit (ASU)
  • 12-bed rehabilitation stroke unit (RSU)
  • Weekly ASU and RSU multidisciplinary team meetings
  • Weekly patient carer group
  • Weekly stroke radiology meeting
  • Daily week day carotid doppler service 
  • Weekly low risk transient ischemic attack (TIA) clinic and daily week days high risk TIA assessment clinic
  • Bi-monthly orthoptist clinic
  • Rolling programme of training
  • Follow up clinics
  • Stroke thrombolysis - 24 hours/7 days a week
  • Research

Contact the team

Dr Abul Azim, Lead Consultant – Stroke Medicine - 01284 712883

Dr Javed Imam, Trust Senior Specialist Doctor – Stroke Medicine - 01284 712983

Dr Solomon Ugoya, Trust Senior Specialist Doctor – Stroke Medicine - 01284 712983

Nurse specialists in stroke: 01284 713621

Stroke research nurse: 01284 712988

Stroke service administrator: 01284 712982

Clinical data administrator: 01284 712982

Emergency stroke outreach team: 01284 713621 

Patient information 

  • Stroke Association
  • Success after stroke (Bridge Project for Sudbury <65): 01787 313691
  • New Hope Club – Walnuttree Hospital Sudbury: 01787 311623
  • Lark Club – Davers court, Shakers Lane, Bury St Edmunds: 01284 767081 / 753602
  • Young Stroke Club – 60 Old Library, Stowmarket: 01359 244111