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Contact the team

The plastics department at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is a small unit based cross site at Bury St Edmunds and Newmarket and comprises of four consultants and one surgical care practitioner, allowing us to deliver plastic surgery to the highest of standards for our patients.

All our consultants work together and in collaboration with the dermatology department in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and lesions including benign conditions and skin cancers.

Most patients will be seen and assessed in the outpatient’s clinic first before returning at a later date for surgery if required. Some conditions are considered appropriate for our ‘see and treat’ service where assessment and treatment are performed at the same visit.



Mr Mulgrew joined the department in 2023, after training in the East of England in general plastic surgery and a subspeciality interest in hand and wrist surgery. He has completed fellowships within the region and London. He has also worked as an SCS within the Department of Health and was principal investigator for the reintroduction of the breast implant registry while seconded to the MHRA.

Contact: 01284712683 or


Mr Pai joined the department in 2023, with interests in all aspects of skin oncology, including lymph node clearances and a subspeciality interests in hand surgery. He has completed training in the UK, India and Taiwan and hopes to make the best use of his skills to deliver a safe and high-quality healthcare to his patients.

Contact: 01284712683 or


Mr Arumugam joined the plastic surgery team at West Suffolk in 2020 after extensive education, training, and experience in both the UK and Australia in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery (including skin cancer surgery) and reconstruction. He currently leads the department’s governance.

Contact: 01284713258 or


Mr Adeniran joined the Department in 2017 with vast experience and training in the field of plastic surgery. He is a general adult and paediatric plastic surgeon, with special interest in pilonidal sinus.

Contact: 01284713258 or


Skin cancer support

Tina Lay joined the department in 2019 in the capacity as surgical care practitioner. Her background is operating department practitioner (ODP) in main theatres and Day Surgery Unit. She works alongside the consultant team in theatres and conducts discharge and follow up clinics. Tina is recognised as the keyworker for patients with skin cancer, leading on patient experience.

Contact: 01284713199 or

The skin cancer keyworker role involves:

  • supporting patients and their family/carers within their treatment pathway, both emotionally and practically
  • acting as a link between the patient, family/carer and members of the multidisciplinary team
  • sharing information and advice on all aspects of cancer and cancer care
  • liaising with other health professionals on behalf of the patient
  • offering advice and information/explanation of treatment
  • accessing advice from other healthcare professionals as required
  • acting as keyworker and transferring over care to appropriate healthcare professionals, when necessary.