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Community equipment service

The Community Equipment Service (CES) is a partnership between West Suffolk and Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Groups; and Suffolk County Council.  The service is hosted by the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and provided by Medequip Assistive Technologies.

What do we do?

We provide equipment from simple aids to more complex items enabling children and adults to stay in their home environment. The equipment is designed to promote independence, safety and mobility; and also supplied to health and social care practitioners to support their work in the community.

You might need community equipment:

  • to make going home easier after a hospital stay or major operation
  • to prevent admission to hospital or into residential care
  • to prevent falls and accidents
  • as an essential part of health and rehabilitation services
  • to help carers provide the necessary care.

Do I qualify for equipment?

Equipment is provided free of charge and loaned to people who have been assessed by a trained clinician and meet the eligibility criteria. Funding comes from the NHS or social care, and equipment ranges from simple walking aids to pressure care beds and mattresses.

The equipment loaned will be based on your individual need, and will include standard items that may have been refurbished to be reused. If you would prefer to own your equipment, or require extra functions which are not funded by health or social care, we can suggest other sources to meet your preferences.

To qualify for NHS-funded equipment you must be registered with a Suffolk GP. For social service-funded equipment, you must live in Suffolk and pay your council tax to West Suffolk, Babergh, Suffolk Coastal or Mid Suffolk councils.


Referrals are made following an assessment by a nurse or therapist, for long and short-term conditions. If you feel you need equipment to support your daily life and independence, ask your GP to refer you to community services for an assessment. You can contact request an assessment yourself by telephoning 0300 123 2425.

How to access the system:

Referrals are made by health or social care professionals through the TCES (Transforming Community Equipment Services) online system.  

Professionals need to be registered with the system before any orders being placed, and new users need to complete this form.

Out of area authorisations:

  • people living outside Suffolk but registered with a Suffolk GP are entitled to NHS-funded equipment
  • people living in Suffolk registered with a Norfolk GP are entitled to social care-funded equipment.

    Contact details for equipment services in neighbouring counties:

    • Norfolk equipment: provided by NRS on 0300 1000 716
    • Cambridgeshire equipment: provided by NRS on 0845 121 3456
    • Essex equipment: provided by Essex Cares on 03330 135438

    Delivery, repair, maintenance and collection

    • equipment is delivered between 8.30am and 8pm, except in an emergency
    • it is your responsibility to make sure equipment is well-maintained
    • should your equipment need repair, phone customer services on 01473 351805 to arrange a visit from a technician
    • if they are unable to repair the equipment on site they will provide you with a replacement
    • equipment remains the property of the service and should be returned when no longer needed
    • Medequip will collect equipment that is no longer required - telephone 01473 351805
    • you can also return equipment to the depot at 31-33 Bluestem Road, Ransomes EuroPark, Ipswich, IP3 9RR, between 8.30 and 5.30pm Monday to Friday
    • equipment that can no longer be used is recycled to save money and prevent it going to landfill.

    Contact details:

    Medequip Depot

    31-33 Bluestem Road,

    Ransomes EuroPark,

    Ipswich  IP3 9RR

    Telephone: 01473 351805 Option 1
