The colposcopy service is part of gynaecology services and works with the cytology and histopathology departments in the management of disease of the cervix.
Services provided
We provide diagnostic facilities and treatment for pre-invasive disease of the cervix using LLETZ and cervical cautery.
Patients with suspected cervical cancer should be referred via the rapid access pathway and will be seen within two weeks.
Patients with abnormal cytology (cervical smears) are referred directly through the cytology service.
Patients with suspected infection should be referred to genito urinary medicine via Suffolk 's Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health service.
Patients with menstrual disorders should be referred to general gynaecology or the menstrual disorders clinic.
We also see patients with symptoms suspicious of cervical disease, such as post-coital bleeding.
Contact the team
Miss Michelle Judd, consultant colposcopist: 01284 712699
Mrs Malini Prasad, consultant colposcopist: 01284 713405
Mrs Barkha Sinha, consultant colposcopist: 01284 713405
Miss Clare Badley, consultant colposcopist: 01284 712560
Dr Rukhsana Mohammad, consultant colposcopist: 01284 713469
Miss Elizabeth Prior, consultant colposcopist: 01284 713151
Mrs Elisabeth Earl, colposcopy clinic sister: 01284 713601
Colposcopy secretaries: 01284 713601
Colposcopy nursing staff: 01284 713601
Colposcopy appointments: 01284 712702
We are situated in the spencer suite (colposcopy) which is within the antenatal and gynaecology department.
Patient information
Patients will be sent information leaflets on abnormal smears and colposcopy examination with their cervical smear result letter.
Further patient information leaflets on colposcopy at West Suffolk Hospital and the Humanpapillomavirus (HPV) are enclosed with their appointment.