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Therapy Focus Suffolk

Therapy Focus Suffolk is a specialist service for children with Cerebral Palsy. Targeted blocks of treatment are given by a team of specialist physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech & language therapists following a referral from the local therapy team. 

Putting the focus on your child

The decision to refer your child to Therapy Focus Suffolk (TFS) is made in consultation with you and your family, through joint discussion between therapists working with your child and your child’s Paediatrician. This may be to solve a particular problem or to identify a way forward when your child is having difficulties in specific areas.

How is a referral made

Once the referral is agreed, you and your family will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire together with your local therapy team. This is used to help understand your child’s needs fully to inform the decision making at the panel. It is also used when planning the sessions and to help the therapists to decide on priorities for treatment.

What will happen next?

Once your child has been referred, their needs are assessed by the Therapy Focus Suffolk Referral Panel, who will consider whether input from Therapy Focus Suffolk is appropriate and timely. Each case is considered carefully and the panel may decide to either accept the referral or make alternative recommendations.

Once the referral is accepted, you and your child will be invited to attend either a week-long block or a 3 day block of assessment and therapy for your child. Each session lasts approximately 1½ hours. At the end of your week the team will discuss the outcome of the block with you and your local therapy team. You will then be sent a written summary and recommendations for your child’s future therapy.

Who will we see?

Therapy Focus Suffolk sessions will be run by a team of specialist professionals consisting of a Speech and Language Therapist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. Your child will see the therapists most appropriate to their needs at that time. The team will work closely together during the week and will liaise with the local therapy team on completion of the week to ensure any recommendations are carried forward.

Where will we be seen?

Therapy Focus Suffolk operates in 3 different locations across the year - Bury CDC, Stowmarket CDC and Ipswich CDC or Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich. Where possible, we will try to offer appointments as close to your home as we can, but on some occasions it will be necessary for you and your family to travel to the treatment centre. Please let us know if you have any difficulties with transport.

Families are respectfully advised that Therapy Focus Suffolk cannot provide childcare for siblings during the focused weeks and that alternative care arrangements for other children need to be made.

Contact us:

If you would like to know more about Therapy Focus Suffolk and whether it would be of benefit to your child, please contact your local therapy team or Paediatrician, who can advise on whether they feel referral to the service would be appropriate.

If you have already been referred to Therapy Focus Suffolk, then please discuss any queries with your local therapy team and refer to the leaflet you would have received. 


Your view matters:

We aim to offer a good service to you and your child. We welcome your comments, compliments and suggestions.

If you have any queries or concerns with any aspect of your child's care that cannot be resolved with your clinician please contact the team leader.

If you feel unable to discuss your concerns in this way please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)