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Meet our governors

Public governors

Carol BullCarol Bull

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Carol's profile

As a public governor, I will work hard to be an effective voice for patients and a critical friend to the hospital. Having been a partner governor for three years, I would like to continue to be of service to the hospital. I am a Councillor for the Barningham Ward of West Suffolk District Council and a member of the Cabinet, as well as being on the Development Control and Licensing Committees.

Anna ConochieAnna Conochie

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Anna's profile

I care deeply about the health service. I want to facilitate public engagement by listening and representing views concerning local health provision, using my professional skills to enhance planning and service delivery, advocating for members and the communities which the Trust is accountable to. I am committed to using my skills from 35 years as an NHS psychologist to help shape and support service improvement.

Val DuttonVal Dutton

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Val's profile

With a wealth of NHS experience as an employee and patient I understand the importance of good patient care. Having retired after a long career in the NHS and at the Trust (July ’23), I am passionate about patient experience and want to be a voice for the local community to influence the best possible care they receive. I have an in-depth understanding of how the Trust works and how the services are delivered. As a strong communicator I would use this experience and knowledge to engage with the leadership team and the local community to influence change.

Sarah HanrattySarah Hanratty

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Sarah's profile

I am a passionate NHS volunteer and communications professional and will promote local residents’ and patients’ views to the Trust. I am a Suffolk resident and service user, immensely proud of the NHS. I volunteered throughout the pandemic as a Covid-19 vaccination marshal. I would like to help make the Trust as effective as possible in meeting local needs. I am a communications professional with extensive management and board-level experience in the not-for-profit sector. I would like to use these skills to represent local people in the operation and direction of the Trust.

Elizabeth HodderElizabeth Hodder

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Elizabeth's profile

West Suffolk Hospital (WSH) is at a critical point: a new hospital in the planning; national threats to the NHS. As an end-user, I have experienced the best and the worst sides of the WSH. I would like the Trust to be at its best. I have 35 years’ experience as a litigation solicitor, advocating for clients. I bring empathy, listening skills and a no nonsense holds-on approach to the role of governor.

Gordon McKay Gordon McKay

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Gordon's profile

I worked as a volunteer in Radiology for 10 years. I was involved in St. Edmundsbury Newstalk for 30 years, at one time holding the post of Chairman. I have also previously been a governor here at the Trust.

Ben LordBen Lord

Term: 2

Current term ends: November 2026

Roles: Deputy Lead Governor


Click here to read Ben's profile

As a professional, dynamic individual, I'm committed to enhancing my support in improving healthcare across West Suffolk. During my first term, I have enjoyed working as Chair of the Engagement Committee and as deputy lead governor, which I hope to continue. I'm incredibly passionate in supporting the Trust become a local centre of healthcare excellence through our new hospital. Having served on most of the governor sub-committees, as well as bringing continuity as a governor in my next term, I am increasingly recognised for skills in finance, management, communication and engagement, in both business and local community roles including as Chairman of Ixworth Parish Council.

Tom MurrayTom Murray

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Tom's profile

I feel that I can add a certain experience that could help our hospital move into the exciting new phase of the new hospital project. I'm a good listener, fair, unbiased, work with others, have my own mind. I have past experience as a Town Councillor and an interest in civic duty. Now retired, I have time to work together with my fellow governors.

Jayne NealJayne Neal

Term: 3

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Jayne's profile

An experienced, dependable governor, I am keen to continue representing the interests of patients, carers, and families in our community. I remain strongly committed to helping shape how our Trust delivers safe, high-quality care. In particular, I would welcome the opportunity to reflect patient views on the development of the new hospital and associated health care facilities. I have good listening and observational skills, along with a sound understanding of the complexities involved in delivering health and social care. Through personal experience I am confident in speaking up on behalf of others to highlight their concerns.

Adrian OsborneAdrian Osborne

Term: 3

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Adrian's profile

I feel very deeply for our community and its people. I want our health services accessible and ‘fit for purpose’. I consider myself a real people person and a good communicator. I feel real compassion for people and their problems. I understand the need to work in partnership with other organisations and I appreciate the important role our voluntary organisations play. I have experience of District and Town Council and with voluntary organisations in partnership working in communities, during my time with Babergh. I have been Vice Chairman and Chairman and former Sudbury Town Mayor. I am looking forward to my next term as a public governor.

Becky PoynterBecky Poynter

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Becky's profile

I am passionate about the NHS and believe my skill set can support robust, ethical and representative governance. I have received excellent treatment from the West Suffolk, and want to give back with my time, effort and expertise. I want to better understand the challenges and be part of a governance structure providing effective, workable and sustainable solutions. I bring experience as head of governance for a public sector body and have an understanding of accountability and a strategic approach. I have a desire to engage with stakeholders and am committed to collaboration as a public governor.

Clare RoseClare Rose

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026

Click here to read Clare's profile

As a governor I will represent patient views and provide support and scrutiny to current and future healthcare plans. I believe everyone should have access to great healthcare. I welcome the opportunity to represent the patients of the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and to be able to support and improve the services we all receive. I have significant governance experience from previous governance roles. I also have a good understanding of the current challenges facing the NHS. I welcome the opportunity to use my skills and experience to improve services at the West Suffolk Hospital.

Jane SkinnerJane Skinner

Term: 3

Current term ends: November 2026

Roles: Lead Governor


Click here to read Jane's profile

Currently lead governor, I fully understand my role, and am committed to representing your views and interests to the Trust. A retired critical care matron I believe patients should receive timely, safe and high-quality care. Governors have a vital role to play in providing local accountability, I am comfortable asking questions on your behalf; I enjoy the role. I draw on experience gained from a career in the NHS and six years as a governor. I am motivated, enthusiastic and compassionate.

I became a public governor following my retirement as a headteacher. I was a teacher for 19 years and then a headteacher for 21 years.

Being a headteacher has given me experience in reading reports; attending and chairing meetings; and managing staff and pupils. I also worked with different agencies, for example, social services and GPs, many of which also work closely with the NHS.

My interest in this role is important to me following my time as a patient at West Suffolk Hospital since I was 17. I find my involvement in all areas of the Trust fulfilling and I hope I offer the challenge and support needed.  

Staff governors

Anna ClaptonAnna Clapton

Term: 1 

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Anna's profile

I am kind and approachable, with a passion to provide insight into the workings, challenges, and successes in healthcare science, through my role as a staff governor. Healthcare scientists provide 80% of diagnostic tests across acute and community settings, yet few people know what a healthcare scientist is. I'm keen to address this, sharing views and ideas of staff with the board to help improve patient care and working culture. I am the Trust lead healthcare scientist and invasive lead cardiac physiologist. I have developed my clinical and leadership experience over 18 years. I am driven and enthusiastic with skills in quality improvement and leading change.

Diana StrohDiana Stroh

Term: 1 

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Diana's profile

As a relatively new member of the West Suffolk NHS Trust family, I’m keen to represent the community teams and dedicated staff working to support people within their own homes and various community settings. I’m based between the Ipswich Child development Centre and the Woodbridge Child and Family Psychology Clinic, so see first-hand the wonderful service being offered to these children and their parents. As a former police officer, with over twenty years of conflict resolution experience, I’m hoping my negotiating skills will serve me well.

Louisa HoneybunLouisa Honeybun

Term: 2

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Louisa's profile

As an approachable member of staff, I feel confident that I can accurately communicate both staff concerns and triumphs to the wider governing team. I don't shy away from talking about the realities staff face every day, especially when services are under huge pressure. I will continue to ensure that staff have a voice in the governor forum, as a re-elected staff governor.

Andy MorrisAndy Morris

Term: 1 

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Andy's profile

I want to help the Trust, my local hospital, to become one of the best. The vision and values of the Trust sit well with me. I have the time and energy and want to give back to the NHS. I have a strong track record of delivering quality improvement with many years of experience of working at Board level and previously as a medical director. I work and communicate well with all staff types and levels. I am professionally curious and understand how hospitals are governed. I am approachable, accessible, will listen, analyse and can challenge or support where needed.

Adam MusgroveAdam Musgrove

Term: 1 

Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Adam's profile

I want our Trust and hospital to be excellent and I believe us, as staff, have the answers. I already have strong links with colleagues in community and acute settings, I would love to build on this and bring ideas and perspectives from both to the leadership team. I am happy to have been given the opportunity to represent such a wonderfully diverse set of colleagues.

Partner governors

Cllr Rowena Lindberg Rowena Lindberg

Term: 1

Current term ends: November 2026


Click here to read Rowena's profile

I became elected as a Councillor last May in both District and Town Council. I sit on the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board, Overview and Scrutiny, and I am Vice Chair of the Staffing Committee for the Town Council. I am a strong believer in equal access to quality healthcare and education for all members of society and work to strongly advocate inclusion for all. On a personal level, my daughter suffered an illness as a child and therefore now lives with multiple health problems and disabilities. She and I have spent the last ten years in various hospitals and have made connections with lots of different medical teams over the years. This has given me a personal insight into the NHS with I think will be of benefit in my role as a board member.

Cllr Heike SowaHeike Sowa

Term: 1

Current term ends: N/A




Click here to read Heike's profile

I am the partner governor nominated by Suffolk County Council. I am a nurse myself and worked in different environments and hospital trusts. I am committed to ensuring positive patient experiences and a well-functioning Trust with low staff turnover. I have experience in strategic development and implementation with budget management and process improvements. I sit on the Health Scrutiny Committee, and I am aware of the many varied aspects of providing healthcare.

Thomas Pullimood

Thomas Pulimood

Term: 2

Current term ends: N/A



Click here to read Thomas's profile

I am a partner governor nominated by the University of Cambridge.

A respiratory physician with an interest in lung cancer and interventional pulmonology, I work at the West Suffolk Hospital and Cambridge University Hospitals. I am respiratory lead and a member of the respiratory board of the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System. I also hold an honorary consultant post at Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge.

A tutor and director of studies for the Cambridge graduate course, I am also external examiner for the graduate medicine course, Oxford.

Currently I am involved with higher medical training in respiratory medicine and serve on the specialist training committee.

Both my association with the University of Cambridge and as a fellow at Wolfson college, allows me to represent the university and offer an education and training perspective to the governor board. The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is closely linked with the university through our junior and senior staff and the sharing of patients with Cambridge University Hospitals and Royal Papworth Hospital.

I bring my experience in all these areas to the Council of Governor discussions, oversight of our non-executive directors and the Trust Board, when seeking assurance for the safety and improvement of patient care. 

Sue KingstonSue Kingston


Current term ends: November 2026



Click here to read Sue's profile

I have been a volunteer at West Suffolk Hospital for the past seven years working directly with not only staff, but patients and visitors, making me well placed to understand the importance of a good working environment and the safe, quality care of patients. I welcome the opportunity to bring to the council my understanding of the volunteer role and the positive impact that it has, not only on the hospital, but the wider community. Being a partner will give me a voice to represent the views and feedback of that sector and the important role they play, not only in our current hospital and community settings, but looking to the future of our new hospital.

Lisa Parish Lisa Parish


Current term ends: N/A



Click here to read Lisa's profile

Native to Bury St Edmunds, I joined West Suffolk College in 2001 after a varied career in Commercial Business. During my time at the college, I have held various senior management roles, culminating in my promotion to Group Assistant Principal in 2023. In this role, I oversee the entire Apprenticeship and continuing professional development delivery programmes, Quality Assurance, budgets, and associated income targets operating on National scale. I recently led the team during an Ofsted Inspection, receiving a Grade 1 Outstanding for the Apprenticeship provision. I am passionate about the impact education and training has on our communities, particularly individuals who are disengaged or hardest to reach. My extensive experience in management, quality assurance, and budget oversight will prove invaluable to the Council of Governors at West Suffolk Hospital, contributing to the hospital's strategic goals, ensuring efficient resource allocation and continuous improvement in service delivery.

Dr David BrandonDavid Brandon


Current term ends: N/A


Click here to read David's profile

I am the Associate Medical Director for the West Suffolk Alliance. I am also the Clinical Lead GP at Unity Healthcare in Haverhill, with a strong track record in delivering service transformation with particular expertise in digital healthcare. I have worked as a GP since 2015, and before that worked in hospital medical and surgical specialities (including at West Suffolk Hospital). I am a GP with a special interest in Dermatology, and until January 2023 also worked for the West Suffolk Hospital Dermatology department.