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Pre-admission unit

After it has been agreed you will have a surgical procedure, you will be put on the elective surgical pathway at West Suffolk Hospital. Our aim is to ensure that everything is in place to allow you to have a safe and timely anaesthetic and operation, and ensure that you are informed of any potential risks and to minimise any potential problems, making your stay in hospital as comfortable as possible.

Services provided

The pre-assessment team include: pre-operative assessment nurse specialists (PANS), prescribing nurse specialists, senior assessment staff nurses, nursing assistants, junior surgical or anaesthetic doctors, consultant anaesthetists’, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, reception staff and volunteers. You will see one or more of the team members depending on your operation and any underlying medical conditions you may have. You may also need to see or be followed up by your consultant.


The unit is located on the ground floor of West Suffolk Hospital, in the central core, close to the chapel and next to the pain clinic.

Contact the team

Admissions team office manager: 01284 713887

Pre-operative assessment team office: 01284 712810


Patient information