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West Suffolk improves again in latest NHS staff survey results

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has strengthened its position as the hospital in the East that is the most highly rated by its staff, according to the results of the latest NHS staff survey published yesterday.

Asked questions about whether they would recommend the hospital as a place to work or receive treatment, 88% of staff agreed that care of patients is the Trust’s top priority. The national average was 76%. When asked if they would recommend the Trust for treatment of a friend or relative 85% of staff agreed that they would in comparison with a national result of 70%.

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust remains in the top 20% of all similar NHS Trusts for staff engagement and has improved on its score for the previous year. It is also a leading trust for the extent to which staff look forward to going to work and being enthusiastic and absorbed in their jobs.

Reflecting on another year of outstanding results in the survey, director of workforce and communications Jan Bloomfield said: “We are delighted to have improved our staff survey results again this year. Happy staff are a hallmark of our Trust and we know that happy staff go on to provide the best care, so we look very carefully at our staff survey as an indicator of the quality of care we provide.

“It is particularly pleasing that the results have been achieved while the hospital has experienced one of its toughest years of pressure on services and growing demand. Our team ethos is very strong and we are able to come through these difficult times while supporting each other to have a positive experience of being at work.

“Over the coming years we will need to recruit more staff across many different professions to help us provide services and I hope that people considering a career in the NHS will look at these survey results and consider us as a supportive and caring employer.

“I would like to thank all our staff here for taking the time to complete the survey and let us know what they think and feel about working here. There are a small number of questions where we have less favourable results and we will work with staff to understand this feedback and act on it in the next year.”

The NHS staff survey results are available to the public through the national website at

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