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West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust anaesthetic team shortlisted for award

The anaesthetic team at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT) has been shortlisted for Anaesthesia Team of the Year in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) awards 2017. This award is sponsored by the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA).

The 9th annual BMJ awards are the UK's leading medical awards, which recognise and celebrate the inspirational work of healthcare teams across the country.

The anaesthetic team at the hospital is driving quality improvement across the Trust by introducing new ways of working. Anaesthetists now play a lead clinical role in every area where surgical patients’ care is designed and managed.

Dr Patricia Mills, consultant anaesthetist and clinical director at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Over the past four years the anaesthetic team has become central to every stage of a surgical patient’s care before, during and after surgery. This means patients benefit from improved quality of care and services because they are helped to get better more quickly.

“We couldn’t have done this without our management and staff embracing the change in working practices. The results of this change are fantastic and many of our departmental protocols are being used by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in their best practice library to guide other anaesthetic departments.”

Nick Jenkins, medical director at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The work of the WSFT anaesthetic department has made a real difference to our performance. It has supported the Trust to receive a national award for best prevention of blood clots, be the top performing trust in the UK in emergency stomach surgery, and the best in the east of England in the national hip fracture database.”

This year’s BMJ awards attracted 290 entries, with 60 teams shortlisted and 15 eventual winners soon to be announced at the awards ceremony on 4 May 2017 in London.

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Some of the anaesthetic team at our Trust

Some of the anaesthetic team at our Trust