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Systems are go!

Work is underway to prepare the Hardwick Manor site for the new hospital.  

Enabling works, which are a part of planning permission requirements and prepare a site for the forthcoming development, have begun. 

The first of many requirements is the translocating (moving) of approximately one hectare of fungi from its current location on Hardwick Manor (the development site) in Bury St Edmunds to two new donor sites, with similar soil characteristics. This is now complete with habitat recreation continuing at the receiver sites.  

The next requirement was archaeological trial trenching which commenced just before Christmas on the development site. This will be delivered in two parts; the first phase was completed in January and the second phase is due to be completed in March. Findings so far have included a piece of roman pottery, a square headed nail, and a piece of struck flint. 

The project continues to be on track to deliver a new hospital at the Hardwick Manor site by 2030.  

Our Deputy Estates Lead Hannah Sharland, talks you through the process in the video below.

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