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Suffolk NHS team recognised in regional awards

The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has been recognised for its work with T Level students from the West Suffolk College, winning in regional awards and now going forward to the national final.

Earlier this year, the Trust’s T Level programme was shortlisted as a finalist in the regional National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards, organised by the Department of Education. At the regional awards ceremony earlier this month, the team won their category of T level Employer of the Year, a new award sponsored by the Gatsby Foundation. Head of clinical education Diane Last, lead practice education facilitator Alex Levitt-Powell and clinical facilitator Maria Musgrove attended the event and will now be attending the national awards involving all nine English regions on 27 November, in London. 

Diane Last said: “This is only our second year of hosting T level students from West Suffolk College so this is a massive achievement for the organisation. It is not only a reflection of the work by the education team but also of all the wards and departments who are supporting the learners for their work placements. A great example of teamwork.”

The Trust has a long and successful partnership with the Bury St Edmunds-based college. The placements are designed to give T Level health and care students experience of working alongside and observing staff, and where possible in areas that particularly interest them. Placement areas for 2024 include maternity, paediatrics, the renal ward, stroke unit, cardiology ward, therapy, radiology and pharmacy departments.

The National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards celebrates its 21st anniversary in 2024 and this is the first time it includes awards to recognise T Level students and employers. The awards are designed to recognise and reward the achievements of exceptional apprentices and T Level students, skills champions and apprenticeship and T Level employers.

Freya Valentine-Ball, 17, from Thetford, is one of the T Level students on placement at the West Suffolk Hospital. She said: “The placement is going really well, I’m enjoying it and have gained positive hands-on experience. In the future I would potentially like to work here. The college and Trust have a strong relationship, and I was ecstatic and proud when I learned the project had won the regional award. It would be so exciting to win the national award, recognising the amount of work put in by the team.”

Cassandra Fisher is the group head of connections and opportunity for West Suffolk College and the Eastern Education Group. She said: "We hugely value our strong relationship with West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and we are delighted to have played a role in this award-winning success. We have a strong and powerful partnership with the Trust dating back decades and it's wonderful to receive recognition in relation to our health-related T Level programmes.”

Meanwhile, other members of the Trust’s clinical education team will find out on 28 November if they are winners in the Nursing Times Workforce Awards. The preceptorship team has been shortlisted in the category of Preceptorship Programme of the Year. Preceptorship provides support, guidance, and development for all newly registered practitioners to build confidence and competence as they transition from student to autonomous professional.

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T Level students celebrating winning the regional award with members of the WSFT clinical education team

T Level students celebrating winning the regional award with members of the WSFT clinical education team