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Please share your views!

Smartphone applications, or apps, are successful in helping people to quit smoking or reduce their alcohol intake without the time, cost and fear of judgment.  

We are working with researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) to send patients a message (e.g. email or SMS/text message) with a link to NHS apps.  We are inviting adult patients who smoke and/or drink alcohol regularly to take part in focus discussion groups at the West Suffolk Hospital, to tell us their views.

We are keen to hear your opinions, on:

  • the pros and cons of receiving a message from the Trust advertising either a stop smoking or reduced drinking app
  • how you would like to receive the message (e.g. via email or SMS/text message)
  • what the message should contain (e.g. Are you thinking about stopping smoking? Did you know there is a free app on the NHS that could help? Please click below if interested).

The message you help us develop will be sent to all patients who might benefit from accessing an app to stop smoking and/or reduce their alcohol consumption. If you are interested in sharing your views, please contact Tracey Brown (a member of the UEA research team) for more information via email: or telephone: 01603 597665.

All participants will be invited to take part in a focus discussion group of up to eight people which would take place at the West Suffolk Hospital. The focus group will last approximately one hour, and to thank you for your time we will offer you a £25 high street voucher.

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Quit smoking for good

Quit smoking for good