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High-flying Hannah scoops award

Hannah Sharland, estates and facilities project manager at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT), was awarded the individual development award at the recent Health Estates and Facilities Management Association (HefmA) awards held in the Cotswold Water Park Hotel, Gloucestershire.

The HefmA awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements demonstrated by NHS estates and facilities teams throughout the past year.

Hannah was nominated for the individual development award for achieving excellence in education and in the workplace. Over the past five years, Hannah has gained both a foundation degree and subsequently a first class honours construction management degree, while juggling working 30 hours a week and being a mum to two young children.

Long before her recent achievements Hannah began her employment at the West Suffolk Hospital as a part-time housekeeper. This enabled Hannah to supplement her income during her university years. Throughout this time she got to know the hospital and staff well, these new connections lead to her securing a placement year working on projects in the facilities department as part of her Business Studies degree.

This is where she first met Jacqui Grimwood, estates and facilities development manager, who has mentored Hannah and supported her career and development in the Trust ever since.

The success of the placement year and subsequent graduation lead to Hannah being offered a permanent role at the Trust, and as a project manager. She has headed up many notable projects on the hospital site. These include the new Quince House development, which houses administrative functions and the sterile services department, the refurbishment of Oak House into office space, as well as the development of the bereavement suite and the installation of a birthing pool in the maternity unit.

Hannah said: “First of all, I would like to thank the whole team for being so supportive, and my manager who has nurtured my career and helped me to achieve my academic goals.”

“The skills and theory that I have learnt at university have improved the way I look at projects on site, and as I don’t have a practical construction background as such, this helps me to think of solutions or issues that sometimes other people haven’t considered."

“The role our department plays is so vital in the NHS, as it ensures improved and safe facilities for patients and staff, and this leads to better quality care. I get a lot of job satisfaction from knowing that. We have more capital projects in the pipeline for the Trust, which I am very exciting about and I look forward to the new challenges ahead!”

Of the six award categories available at the HefmA awards, WSFT’s estates and facilities team were also shortlisted for project of the year and the efficiency and improvement award.

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Hannah (centre) receiving her award from Jonathan Stewart, HEFMA national chairman, and Lisa Cresswell, meridian health award sponsor.

Hannah (centre) receiving her award from Jonathan Stewart, HEFMA national chairman, and Lisa Cresswell, meridian health award sponsor.