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Appointment of new executive director of strategy and transformation

Following a robust recruitment process, the Trust has appointed Sam Tappenden as its executive director of strategy and transformation.

This is a new position on the Board, and Sam’s appointment is part of the delivery of one of the Trust’s strategic objectives for the year 2023/24. Sam will bring the capacity and capability to help progress the transformation and change work that is so important across many areas.

Sam’s recent leadership roles include director of development at the East and North Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership and director of strategy at the Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust.

Sam also has voluntary experience as a trustee for Age UK Hertfordshire, board member at Hertfordshire Independent Living Services and as a special constable for South Wales Police.

Sam is married, has two young children and lives in Bedfordshire.

On his appointment, Sam said: “I have been really struck by the commitment, kindness, and warmth of everyone at the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, which has big challenges, yet massive opportunities.

“I’m very much looking forward to helping the Trust further develop its strengths, help those areas that need improvement and capitalise on every opportunity.”

Sam will join the Trust on Monday, 24 June 2024.

On Sam’s appointment, Dr Ewen Cameron, chief executive for the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I’m delighted that Sam is coming to join our executive team, who brings with him a wealth of experience in NHS transformation.

“Sam will be leading on important transformation projects, aligned with our goals and ambitions, to ensure we provide the highest quality and safest care possible.” 

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