This webpage was last updated on: 02 Mar 2021 17:06:25.747
Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Anticipated Volume
Inpatient referrals
Advice and guidance where possible
At-risk patients
Identify those reduced immune patients as per Royal college guidance
Around 450 biological patients who need letters to be sent out regarding guidance. I have finalised the letter and sent to Robyn.
Unable to identify accurately others who are in the at risk category as we don’t have database for all patients on immunosuppressives prescribed by the GP. This number will be in thousands.
Vulnerable patients – patients who are receiving conventional disease-modifying drugs, JAK inhibitors and biologics & kyphoscoliosis
Denosumab and zolmeta – review on case by case, most will be delayed for 3 months. Zoledronate can be safely delayed; however denosumab ideally should not be delayed beyond 6 weeks. So this service will continue
Oral medication s/c metroxeate will continue
Zoledronate numbers - around 20 per month. So 20 have been cancelled in march, 20 +for April and potentially around 25 more will be cancelled in may.
Outpatient clinics
Nurse clinics all telephone
Follow ups telephone
News seeing if possible
Homecare delivery services
Check pharmacy
Check also possibility of s/c MTX being delivered to GP surgery or local pharmacy
Day case units
Biologics will continue on MTU
US injections will likely be delayed, discussion with patients on a case by case
At least 10 per week