This webpage was last updated on: 02 Mar 2021 17:05:40.127
Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Anticipated Volume
New Outpatients
Most are cancelled to release anaesthetists
New temporary Referral criteria for pandemic to be released via GP fed Comms
GP advice line to be staffed 1-2 pm daily until impossible
BANs service suspended unless urgent (malignant cord compression, Suspected CES).
FU Outpatients
Currently at capacity, may need to reduce to SOS via answering machine if we lose staff
Psychology appts
Psychology service may be suspended to support Liaison Team/ Wellbeing for Staff- SOS only and signposting to other resources e.g. Samaritans. Pain Psych clinic with Paula Carnaby to continue as high risk of patients attending A+E due to high levels of distress; with extra support to inpatients
Acute pain patients
Seen by nurses as normal, Dr Schofield will support to release anaesthetists
Dr Schofield/ Law/ Jeynes to support acute pain rounds (Dr Jeynes on phased return to work- probably not suitable for anaesthetic work at present)
Elective treatments
To continue on case-by case basis unless impossible to staff- doctors to vet all patients and prioritise those that cannot wait (e.g. severe pain and disability, high dose opioids, pregnant, malignant disease)
Anticipate that low volume lists can continue – should put ambulatory pathway in place.
TENS clinics
First contact community Clinics
Current community-based staff to do, Trust nurses will support as available