This webpage was last updated on: 02 Mar 2021 17:03:11.613
Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Anticipated Volume
New referrals
Telephone F2F if clinically urgent
Number of formal patient appts likely to decrease, if there is the same response to this wave as the previous wave but an increase in complex discussions over the phone, and likely increase in informal enquiries.
FU patients
Telephone F2F if clinically urgent
Number of formal patient appts likely to decrease, if there is the same response to this wave as the previous wave but an increase in complex discussions over the phone, and likely increase in informal enquiries.
Inpatient referrals
Advice and guidance will be given – will see if they need to after discussion
Nurse clinics
Number of formal patient appts likely to decrease, if there is the same response to this wave as the previous wave but an increase in complex discussions over the phone, and likely increase in informal enquiries.
Community clinics
Converted to telephone, reduced home visits
Number of formal patient appts likely to decrease, if there is the same response to this wave as the previous wave but an increase in complex discussions over the phone, and likely increase in informal enquiries.
Botox Clinics
Based in Cambridge/Ipswich – outstanding patients ?on hold