Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Anticipated Volume
Dialysis management
Cancel HD clinics and Ward rounds. Limit attendance to Dialysis and support CUH team via electronic comms.
Calls to dialysis unit/ emails 2-3x/week. 0.5PA 2 consultants
Monthly QA meeting (remote)- 1 afternoon/month + 1 afternoon prep of results 0.5PA 2 consultants
Transplant FU
Continue via telephone and remote blood tests.
5-10 patients per week, by specialist nurse
0.5 PA consultant review of results
Low clearance patients. (patients 12 months away from dialysis)
Telephone clinics and remote blood tests. Both the above can be managed by specialist nurse to free consultant up for wards, if required.
10-12 patients per week, by specialist nurse
0.5PA consultant review of results
General Nephology Clinics
Patients on immunosuppression
Still need to be reviewed, continue remotely.
10-15 patients, calls via telephone clinic every 4 weeks
CKD management
To be stopped.
Hypertension referrals and those with structural renal disease but preserved function (ie Polycystic Kidney disease)
To be stopped.
New referrals with rapidly progressive AKI or new nephrotic syndrome.
To be reviewed by consultant with view to continue if patient required.
Tubulopathy patients
Continue to manage remotely.
<20, manage via telephone clinic 2-3 monthly
Advice and Guidance
Can be suspended if CCG/Trust agrees.
Renal consults
Service to continue.
<5d to be divided amongst consultants daily.
VY to continue ITU reviews 1hr/week