Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Routine New Patients
Moved to telephone when possible. Some clinics cancelled so longer wait times.
Urgent New Patients
Moved to telephone, unless requiring F2F, will be prioritised.
Routine Follow up patients
Telephone were possible, unless clinical need.
Endoscopy - Acute Upper GI bleeding
Endoscopy - Acute oesophageal obstruction – foreign bodies, food bolus, pinhole stricture/cancer where stenting is considered essential.
Endoscopy - Endoscopic vacuum therapy for perorations/leaks.
Endoscopy - Acute cholangitis/jaundice secondary to malignant/benign biliary obstruction
Endoscopy - Acute biliary pancreatitic and/or cholangitis with stone and jaundice
Endoscopy - infected pancreatic collections/WON
Endoscopy - Urgent inpatient nutrition support – PEG/NJ tube
Endoscopy - All routine symptomatic referrals
Defer until further notice
Endoscopy - Planned POEM, pneumatic dilatation for achalasia
Defer until further notice
Endoscopy - Other elective therapy/intervention –PEG, stricture dilatation, APC for GAVE, RFA, pneumatic dilatation, ampullectomy etc
Defer until further notice
Endoscopy - Low-risk follow-up and repeat scopes – oesophagitis healing, gastric ulcer healing, ‘poor views’, check post therapy e.g. EMR/RFA/polypectomy (unless felt to be clinically high risk neoplasia still present)
Defer until further notice
Endoscopy - Surveillance
Defer until further notice
Endoscopy - Other ERCP cases – stones where there has been no recent cholangitis and a stent is in place; therapy for chronic pancreatitis; metal stent removal/change; ampullectomy follow up.
Defer until further notice
2 Week Wait cancer referrals
Original recommendation from JAG as follows - Consultants reviews and triage these referrals, reserving endoscopic procedures for those judged to be highest priority
New guidance 24/03 – suggests stopping all activity that is not emergency – waiting for clinical decision
Planned EMR/ESD for complex polyps/ high risk lesions
To continue but will need to have clinical case by case review
New suspected IBD – acute colitis
To continue but will need to have clinical case by case review