This webpage was last updated on: 02 Mar 2021 16:57:27.683
Clinical Pathway
Recommended Action
Routine outpatients New
Clinical review and most are being cancelled including paed derm video clinics. Will all be cancelled when required
Routine outpatient Follow up
Either moved to telephone clinic or cancelled including CNS clinics. Review patient on biologics f2f
Rapid access
To continue to be seen as normal in clinic
Do next week clinics – then cancel
Routine Surgery Day Surgery & outpatients
Urgent and skin cancers
Rapid access surgery outpatients
Clinically reviewed and only operating on the highest risk patients, those that can be delayed will be
Inpatient referrals
Will be managed via advice and guidance firstly ask for photos and only seen if necessary
At- risk patients
Identify those patients with reduced immunity as per Royal college guidance and BAD guidance.
Vulnerable patients
Patients who are receiving conventional disease-modifying drugs including biologics and novel small molecule immunosuppressants such as Apremilast will be reviewed on case by case.
Biologics will continue.
Oral medication and s/c methotrexate will continue
Homecare delivery services
To liaise with pharmacy
Day case patients
To continue Biologics on MTU